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Nickname: Navneet kaur
Hometown: Pinjore, Haryana
Graduate School: Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra
E-mail: navneetk957@gmail.com

How would you explain your research in 3 sentences to someone who is not in science?

My work is centred on the diabetes. We are trying to prevent diabetes in women by intervention of yoga in pre-diabetic women. We also want to check whether yoga has any effect on body weight, posture, obesity, learning and memory.

More about you

I am a very disciplined and calm person. I like Basketball and Netball and won gold medal at All India Inter- University Championship. Now I am focusing on yoga and want to explore its potential as prevention medicine.

About your work:

My area of interest is yoga and its implications in lifestyle related disorders like Diabetes. I am studying the social, molecular and neurocognitive profile of pre-diabetic women and effect of yoga on these domains.