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Nickname: Sushant
Hometown: Dasuya, Punjab
Graduate School: Lovely Professional University

How would you explain your research in 3 sentences to someone who is not in science?

I have worked on P.falciparum in National Institute Of  Malaria Research where I have checked the effects of different herbal extracts on resistant strains of falciparum.

More about you

I am mentally and physically a very strong person. I am closed to my family and friends. I am kind hearted and helpful. Other than research, I am active in social work. I am fond of dancing and singing. I always try to be fit with various extracurricular activities like yoga, Jogging ,etc.

About your work:

I am working on stem cell and its implications in neurodegenerative disorders.  I am trying to study the ability of stem cells from Yoga performing population in curing various neurodegenerative disorders, specifically Alzheimer’s through various scientific techniques.