Sheetal J Gupta
Nickname: Sheetal
Hometown: Delhi
Graduate School:
How would you explain your research in 3 sentences to someone who is not in Science?
My work is based on effect of yoga based protocol at various oxygen levels. We are examining if the yoga intervention can rescue the depleted po2 levels and other parameters.
More about you?
I am honest, hardworking and sincere person. Being new to science I am learning new things like experiments, GLP every day from everyone around me. Which is helping me improve myself in all aspects of life. I love travelling, gardening, making new friends and helping people to best of my capacity.
About your work?
We are also studying the prakriti (Ayruveda concept – Vata, Pita, Khapha) has an effect on the po2 levels which could be useful for post covid management.